Chinese Restaurants
Fancy a chow-mein or Crispy Duck? Livingston's Chinese restaurants will cater to your wants with ease. Chinese Restaurants located in Livingston are:
The Sapphire Restaurant
Bankton Centre, Murieston, Livingston, EH54 9DA (Near Livingston
South Station)
PHONE: Reservations: 01506 417272
Purple Sage Restaurant
Bankton Centre, Murieston, Livingston EH54 9DA (Near Livingston
South Station)
PHONE: Reservations: 01506 462646
Cathay Cuisine
25 Main Street, Deans, Livingston, EH54 8BE
PHONE: Reservations: 01506 409988
Do you know a Chinese Restaurant in Livingston which we haven't listed? If so, please Contact Us with the restaurant details, Thank You!